Varun Gandhi


I am a Ph.D. candidate at Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, advised by Prof. Stephen Chong and Prof. Srinivas Devadas at MIT CSAIL. I am broadly interested in systems security with an emphasis on building secure, trustworthy, and scalable distributed systems. My research aims to address the fundamental problem of secure remote computation. I develop hardware-enforced isolation mechanisms and cryptographic verification techniques to scale trusted and verifiable computation in datacenters.

I have had the opportunity to spend two summers at Microsoft Research, Redmond, where I interned with Dr. Stefan Saroiu and Dr. Alec Wolman at the Intelligent Networked Systems Group, followed by an internship at the Cloud and Infrastructure Security Group with Dr. Sangho Lee and Dr. Marcus Peinado.

Prior to joining Harvard, I worked at Microsoft Research as a pre-doctoral research fellow with Dr. Phil Bernstein on an open source distributed systems programming framework called Orleans. I studied computer science at University of Cambridge, where I was advised by Prof. Alastair Beresford and worked on mitigating SSL attacks in mobile devices. As an undergrad, I had a great time predicting SSNs under the guidance of Prof. Alessandro Acquisti at Carnegie Mellon.

I enjoy intra-mural rowing and have been a member of Harvard Griffin Graduate Rowing and Girton College Boat Club.

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Fall 2024: U.S. Patent Approved on Liveness guarantees in secure enclaves using health tickets

Spring 2024: U.S. Patent Approved on Automated recovery of far edge computing infrastructure

Summer 2023: OMNILog accepted to appear at USENIX Security’23

Summer 2022: Research internship with the Cloud and Infra Security Group, MSR Redmond

Fall 2021: Co-Inventor on two patent applications filed by Microsoft

Summer 2021: Research internship with the INS Group, MSR Redmond

Spring 2020: Awarded Harvard Derek C. Bok Certificate of Distinction in Teaching

Spring 2020: IME: Isolated Monitor Execution accepted to appear at HotCloud’20

Fall 2018: Awarded Harvard Ralph H. Watson Graduate Science and Engineering Fellowship

Working Papers

Rethinking Runtime Integrity Guarantees in Distributed AI Frameworks.
Varun Gandhi, Simon Langowski, Stephen Chong, and Srinivas Devadas

Privacy Verification in AI workloads
Varun Gandhi, Stephen Chong, and Srinivas Devadas

Publications and Patents

Rethinking System Audit Architectures for High Event Coverage and Synchronous Log Availability
V. Gandhi, S. Banerjee, A. Agarwal, A. Ahmad, S. Lee, and M. Peinado
32nd USENIX Security Symposium, 2023
[Paper] [Slides] [Code] [Talk]

Automated recovery of far edge computing infrastructure in a 5g network
S. Sariou, V. Gandhi, A. Wolman, and L.P. Cox
U.S. Patent 11,900,127

Liveness guarantees in secure enclaves using health tickets
S. Sariou, V. Gandhi, A. Wolman, and L.P. Cox
U.S. Patent 12,067,111

Rethinking Isolation Mechanisms for Datacenter Multitenancy
V. Gandhi, and J. Mickens
12th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing, 2020
[Paper] [Slides] [Talk]


Shadow PC, IEEE Security and Privacy, 2021

Shadow PC, ACM EuroSys, 2021


Teaching Fellow, CS 153 Compilers, Fall 2023

Teaching Fellow, CS 262 Introduction to Distributed Computing, Spring 2023

Teaching Fellow, APCOMP 221, Critical Thinking in Data Science, Spring 2020